Nor even by a «revolution», however Job Function Email List radically transformative (and desirable) it may be. Evil permeates everything: even – perhaps, in a sense, above all – literature: in volume iii ofThe idiot of the family, we find this astonishing statement, applied to Flaubert: «The content Job Function Email List of the work will thus be its form: it is a question of reproducing the World as if it were the work of a freedom that had given itself as its purpose to carry out Evil. radical"fifteen. The content, in Flaubert ( especially in Flaubert, the so-called "formalist"), is immediately the form. And that absolute form, that Abstract Universal, is Evil. How Job Function Email List is this to be understood.
We have to deal with the same thing . I always Job Function Email List quote Sartre's Flaubert: «The Totality (to which, deep down, all literature aspires as an act of freedom) manifests itself naked and reveals in this final instant that it is simply Nothingness (...) radical Evil is not but an ethical designation of that other absolute norm, Beauty». The aspiration to total Beauty, the counterpart of Good without Job Function Email List impurities, is the same thing as radical Evil, as conceived by Genet or the first Goetz. If both "values" are merely taken in their relationship of binary opposition , we fall into the worst self-deception. On Job Function Email List the contrary, one must know how to bear the insoluble dialectic between them.
Sartre says: Since Evil cannot be identified with Being as Being, which Job Function Email List is pure positivity, nor with Non-Being, which, taken as such, is pure and Job Function Email List unqualifiable non-existence, it is necessary for Evil to reside in the dialectical movement Job Function Email List that goes from each other: he is the non-being of Being expressed by the being of non-Being . The non-being of the Being : it is the prophesied result of the Totalization when it is still in progress.