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Download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] Torrent - KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes !LINK!

Download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] Torrent - KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes

If you are looking for a hilarious comedy movie to watch, you should download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes. This movie is about a hard-nosed Marine who becomes the commandant of a military academy and tries to whip the misfit cadets into shape. Along the way, he faces many challenges and learns some valuable lessons.

Download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] Torrent - KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes

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Why Download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] Torrent?

There are many reasons why you should download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes. Here are some of them:

  • You will enjoy the hilarious performance of Damon Wayans as Major Benson Winifred Payne, a tough and ruthless Marine who has no sense of humor.

  • You will laugh out loud at the antics of the cadets, who try to get rid of Major Payne by playing pranks on him and challenging his authority.

  • You will appreciate the heartwarming moments of the movie, as Major Payne bonds with the cadets and helps them overcome their fears and insecurities.

  • You will admire the message of the movie, which is about discipline, teamwork, loyalty, and courage.

How to Download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] Torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes?

Downloading Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes is easy and fast. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Go to KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes, the best torrent site for movies, TV shows, games, music, and more.

  • Search for "Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip]" in the search bar and click on the result.

  • Click on the "Download" button and choose a torrent client to open the file. If you don't have a torrent client, you can download one from uTorrent, BitTorrent, or qBittorrent.

  • Wait for the download to complete and enjoy watching Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] on your device.

What are the Reviews of Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip]?

Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. On Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 33% rating from critics and a 69% rating from audiences. On IMDb, it has a 6.3/10 rating from over 30,000 users.

Some critics praised the movie for its slapstick humor and Damon Wayans' performance, while others criticized it for being too crude, violent, and insensitive. Some audiences enjoyed the movie for its funny and heartwarming moments, while others found it boring, annoying, and offensive.

Here are some examples of the reviews of Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip]:

"Major Payne is a major pain in the neck - a loud, obnoxious comedy that relies on cartoon violence and vulgar jokes for laughs."

- Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times

"Major Payne is a surprisingly funny film that will have you laughing from start to finish. Damon Wayans is hilarious as the tough-as-nails Marine who learns to soften up and care for his cadets."

- James Berardinelli, ReelViews

"This movie is so bad it's good. It's so stupid and ridiculous that you can't help but laugh at it. Major Payne is a classic comedy that never gets old."

- User review on IMDb

"This movie is a waste of time and money. It's not funny at all, it's just mean and cruel. Major Payne is a terrible character who abuses and insults everyone around him."

- User review on Rotten Tomatoes

What are the Cast and Crew of Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip]?

Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] has a talented cast and crew who worked together to create this comedy movie. Here are some of the main cast and crew members:

  • Damon Wayans as Major Benson Winifred Payne: The main protagonist of the movie, a tough and ruthless Marine who becomes the commandant of a military academy.

  • Karyn Parsons as Emily Walburn: The love interest of Major Payne, a school counselor who tries to help him connect with the cadets.

  • Michael Ironside as Lieutenant Colonel Stone: The antagonist of the movie, a former Marine who wants to take over the academy and get rid of Major Payne.

  • Orlando Brown as Cadet Kevin "Tiger" Dunn: The leader of the cadets, a smart and brave boy who challenges Major Payne.

  • Nick Castle as Director: The director of the movie, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Damon Wayans.

  • Alan Silvestri as Composer: The composer of the movie, who created the original score and songs for the movie.

What are the Trivia and Fun Facts of Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip]?

Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] has some interesting trivia and fun facts that you may not know. Here are some of them:

  • The movie is loosely based on the 1955 movie The Private War of Major Benson, starring Charlton Heston.

  • The movie was filmed at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia.

  • The movie features a cameo appearance by William Hickey as Dr. Phillips, the school's founder.

  • The movie includes a parody of The Sound of Music, where Major Payne sings "Do-Re-Mi" to the cadets.

  • The movie was nominated for two Razzie Awards: Worst Actor for Damon Wayans and Worst New Star for Karyn Parsons.

What are the Benefits of Downloading Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] Torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes?

Downloading Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes has many benefits that you can enjoy. Here are some of them:

  • You can download the movie for free, without paying any fees or subscriptions.

  • You can download the movie in high quality, with clear audio and video.

  • You can download the movie quickly and easily, with just a few clicks.

  • You can download the movie safely and securely, without any viruses or malware.

  • You can download the movie from a reliable and trusted source, with thousands of positive reviews and ratings.

What are the Alternatives to Downloading Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] Torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes?

If you don't want to download Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] torrent from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes, you have some other options to watch the movie. Here are some of them:

  • You can stream the movie online from various platforms, such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video.

  • You can buy or rent the movie on DVD or Blu-ray from various stores, such as Walmart, Best Buy, or Target.

  • You can watch the movie on TV from various channels, such as Comedy Central, TBS, or BET.


Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] is a comedy movie that you should watch if you are looking for some laughs and entertainment. The movie is about a hard-nosed Marine who becomes the commandant of a military academy and tries to whip the misfit cadets into shape. The movie has a talented cast and crew, mixed reviews, interesting trivia and fun facts, and many benefits of downloading it from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes. You can also watch the movie from other sources, such as streaming platforms, DVD or Blu-ray stores, or TV channels. However you choose to watch it, Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] is a movie that will make you smile and enjoy.


Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] is a comedy movie that you should watch if you are looking for some laughs and entertainment. The movie is about a hard-nosed Marine who becomes the commandant of a military academy and tries to whip the misfit cadets into shape. The movie has a talented cast and crew, mixed reviews, interesting trivia and fun facts, and many benefits of downloading it from KickassTorrentsgolkesgolkes. You can also watch the movie from other sources, such as streaming platforms, DVD or Blu-ray stores, or TV channels. However you choose to watch it, Major Payne (1995) [DVDRip] is a movie that will make you smile and enjoy. d282676c82


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