Peddlers Full Movie Download Torrent
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Returning home from a birthday party, a group of friends run afoul of a gang of devious cannibals looking to sell human skin to likewise investors and must try to fend off the deadly members before succumbing to their whims.This is an utterly wretched and nearly worthless affair that has almost no redeeming values. The fact that this is as brutal and vicious as it is does have some nice qualities about it, but the mere fact that this one has as much wrong with it as it does is the real hindering problem here. The fact is that this one tries so hard to be seen as an urban variation of "TCM" that it goes for out-and-out copying several points from that movie and passing them off as original scenes in here. The chase through the alleys and back-door shops is mirrored from the chase through the woods in the original, a bounty hunter looking for a kidnapped member of the family is straight from one of the sequels and most insulting of all is that it apes the dinner sequence nearly shot-for-shot with the exact same results here, though this one tends to use it as an homage to that film more so than because it fits within the storyline construct because it makes no sense for the people in this film to behave like that for any reason other than outright pillage. That brings up the film's two biggest flaws, because nothing in here makes sense since no one says anything about what's going on. It tends to think that just because people are being vicious beaten and battered that they're supposed to feel sorry for what's happening to them, but it never says anything about what's going on. All attempts at expanding what the group's doing is mockingly laughed at and shot down, so it's a real mystery if they're cannibals, flesh peddlers or just flat-out wackos that have a fascination with the 50s' Greaser look since they all look like rejects from a hot-rod teen-angst movie. The other big flaw here is that this is done in an urban area of a major city, yet the police are shown as wholly incompetent and afraid of the gang while the locals are more than willing to live in the area as long as they don't mess with the group for there's several times where the police have the power to help them but choose not to, while the locals are shown to be abjectly afraid of interfering for fear of running afoul of the gang. This is unrealistic on a number of levels and is capped off by the frantic and confusingly irritating finale that upsets the whole nature of what's gone on before it. As well, there's a small dose of minor flaws like too much blackened screen-time without showing anything or being unable to find a topless actress for the role that it leaves this with a heaping slew of detrimental problems and nothing to save it.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity. 153554b96e