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Gleb Fedotov

Download Java: The Complete Reference, Tenth Edition Pdf Free

Java: The Complete Reference, Tenth Edition book pdf 1

Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It is a versatile, powerful, and elegant language that can run on any platform that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java is also an object-oriented language that supports abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and dynamic binding. Java has a rich set of libraries that provide various features such as input/output, networking, graphics, database access, web development, concurrency, etc.

Java: The Complete Reference, Tenth Edition book pdf 1

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If you want to learn Java or improve your skills in this language, you need a comprehensive and authoritative guide that covers all aspects of Java. One such book is Java: The Complete Reference, Tenth Edition by Herbert Schildt. This book is a definitive guide that explains how to develop, compile, debug, and run Java programs. It covers the entire Java language, including its syntax, keywords, and fundamental programming principles. It also covers key portions of the Java API library, such as I/O, the Collections Framework, the stream library, and the concurrency utilities. In addition, it introduces GUI programming with Swing and JavaFX, as well as web development with servlets.

In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book offers and why you should read it. We will also provide you with some information on how to get a pdf version of this book for free. Let's get started!

The Java Language

The first part of the book covers the core concepts of the Java language. It starts with a brief history and evolution of Java, from its origins in C and C++ to its impact on the internet and programming. It then gives you an overview of Java's features and benefits, such as simplicity, object-orientation, robustness, multithreading, architecture-neutrality, interpretedness, distributedness, dynamism, etc. It also explains how Java has evolved over time with new versions that added new features such as generics, lambda expressions, modules, etc.

The next chapters dive into the details of the Java language. You will learn about data types, variables, The Java Language

The first part of the book covers the core concepts of the Java language. It starts with a brief history and evolution of Java, from its origins in C and C++ to its impact on the internet and programming. It then gives you an overview of Java's features and benefits, such as simplicity, object-orientation, robustness, multithreading, architecture-neutrality, interpretedness, distributedness, dynamism, etc. It also explains how Java has evolved over time with new versions that added new features such as generics, lambda expressions, modules, etc.

The next chapters dive into the details of the Java language. You will learn about data types, variables, arrays, and operators that are used to store and manipulate data in Java. You will also learn about control statements such as if, for, while, switch, etc. that are used to control the flow of execution in Java programs. You will then learn about classes, objects, and methods that are the building blocks of object-oriented programming in Java. You will also learn about method overloading and overriding that are used to implement polymorphism in Java. You will then learn about inheritance that is used to create subclasses from existing classes and reuse their code. You will also learn about interfaces and packages that are used to define abstract types and organize classes into logical groups.

The next chapters cover some advanced topics of the Java language. You will learn about exception handling that is used to deal with errors and abnormal situations in Java programs. You will also learn about multithreaded programming that is used to create concurrent programs that can execute multiple tasks simultaneously. You will then learn about enumerations, autoboxing, and annotations that are used to define new types of data and provide additional information about classes and methods.

The last chapters of this part cover the Java library that provides various classes and interfaces for performing common tasks in Java programs. You will learn about the I/O classes that are used to read and write data from different sources and destinations such as files, consoles, networks, etc. You will also learn about generics that are used to create generic classes and methods that can work with different types of objects. You will then learn about lambda expressions that are used to create anonymous functions that can be passed as arguments or returned as values. You will also learn about modules that are used to create modular programs that can be easily composed and reused. You will then learn about string handling that is used to manipulate strings of characters in Java programs. You will also learn about the Collections Framework that provides various data structures and algorithms for storing and processing collections of objects. You will then learn about networking that is used to create network applications that can communicate with other applications over the internet or local networks.

Introducing GUI Programming with Swing

The second part of the book introduces GUI programming with Swing. Swing is a set of classes and interfaces that provide graphical user interface (GUI) components for creating desktop applications in Java. Swing components include buttons, labels, text fields, text areas, lists, tables, trees, sliders, progress bars, menus, toolbars, dialogs, etc.

The first chapter of this part covers event handling in Swing. Event handling is the process of responding to user actions such as clicking a button or typing a key on a GUI component. You will learn about the event model and listeners that are used to handle events in Swing programs. You will also learn about the delegation event model and adapter classes that are used to simplify event handling in Swing programs. You will then learn about inner classes and lambda expressions that are used to create event handlers without defining separate classes.

The next chapter covers AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), which is a lower-level API for creating GUI components in Java. AWT provides basic components such as windows, Introducing GUI Programming with Swing

The second part of the book introduces GUI programming with Swing. Swing is a set of classes and interfaces that provide graphical user interface (GUI) components for creating desktop applications in Java. Swing components include buttons, labels, text fields, text areas, lists, tables, trees, sliders, progress bars, menus, toolbars, dialogs, etc.

The first chapter of this part covers event handling in Swing. Event handling is the process of responding to user actions such as clicking a button or typing a key on a GUI component. You will learn about the event model and listeners that are used to handle events in Swing programs. You will also learn about the delegation event model and adapter classes that are used to simplify event handling in Swing programs. You will then learn about inner classes and lambda expressions that are used to create event handlers without defining separate classes.

The next chapter covers AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), which is a lower-level API for creating GUI components in Java. AWT provides basic components such as windows, frames, panels, buttons, labels, etc. You will learn about the AWT component hierarchy and architecture. You will also learn about layout managers and containers that are used to arrange components on a GUI. You will then learn about menus, dialogs, and file dialogs that are used to provide additional functionality to a GUI.

The next chapter covers Swing, which is a higher-level API for creating GUI components in Java. Swing is built on top of AWT and provides more advanced and customizable components than AWT. You will learn about the Swing component hierarchy and architecture. You will also learn about Swing buttons, labels, text fields, text areas, and lists that are used to create basic GUI elements. You will then learn about Swing tables, trees, sliders, progress bars, and spinners that are used to create complex GUI elements. You will also learn about Swing menus, toolbars, dialogs, and internal frames that are used to enhance a GUI.

Introducing GUI Programming with JavaFX

The third part of the book introduces GUI programming with JavaFX. JavaFX is a modern and powerful API for creating rich and interactive GUI applications in Java. JavaFX provides various features such as graphics, animation, media, web views, charts, etc.

The first chapter of this part covers JavaFX fundamentals. You will learn what JavaFX is and how to use it in your programs. You will also learn about the JavaFX application life cycle and structure. You will then learn about the scene graph and nodes that are used to create and manipulate GUI elements in JavaFX.

The next chapter covers JavaFX controls. Controls are predefined GUI elements that provide common functionality such as buttons, Introducing GUI Programming with JavaFX

The third part of the book introduces GUI programming with JavaFX. JavaFX is a modern and powerful API for creating rich and interactive GUI applications in Java. JavaFX provides various features such as graphics, animation, media, web views, charts, etc.

The first chapter of this part covers JavaFX fundamentals. You will learn what JavaFX is and how to use it in your programs. You will also learn about the JavaFX application life cycle and structure. You will then learn about the scene graph and nodes that are used to create and manipulate GUI elements in JavaFX.

The next chapter covers JavaFX controls. Controls are predefined GUI elements that provide common functionality such as buttons, labels, text fields, text areas, lists, tables, trees, charts, etc. You will learn about the basic controls such as buttons, labels, text fields, etc. You will also learn about the advanced controls such as tables, trees, charts, etc. You will then learn about the layout panes such as HBox, VBox, GridPane, etc. that are used to arrange controls on a GUI.

The next chapter covers JavaFX events. Events are actions or occurrences that happen on a GUI element such as clicking a button or typing a key. You will learn about the event model and handlers that are used to handle events in JavaFX programs. You will also learn about the event types and sources that are used to identify and classify events in JavaFX programs. You will then learn about the event filters and consumers that are used to modify or consume events in JavaFX programs.

The Concurrent API

The fourth part of the book covers the Concurrent API. The Concurrent API is a set of classes and interfaces that provide concurrency utilities for creating and managing multithreaded programs in Java. Concurrency utilities include executors, futures, callables, locks, conditions, semaphores, etc.

The first chapter of this part covers multithreading basics. Multithreading is the process of creating and executing multiple threads of execution within a single program. Threads are independent paths of execution that can run concurrently or in parallel. You will learn how to create threads using the Thread class or the Runnable interface. You will also learn how to control threads using methods such as start(), join(), sleep(), etc.

The next chapter covers synchronization. Synchronization is the process of coordinating the access and modification of shared resources among multiple threads. Shared resources can be variables, objects, files, databases, etc. You will learn how to use synchronized keyword or blocks to prevent data corruption or inconsistency among threads. You will also learn how to use wait(), notify(), notifyAll() methods for inter-thread communication among threads.

The next chapter covers concurrency utilities. Concurrency utilities are high-level abstractions that simplify the creation and management of multithreaded programs in Java. You will learn how to use executors, The Concurrent API

The fourth part of the book covers the Concurrent API. The Concurrent API is a set of classes and interfaces that provide concurrency utilities for creating and managing multithreaded programs in Java. Concurrency utilities include executors, futures, callables, locks, conditions, semaphores, etc.

The first chapter of this part covers multithreading basics. Multithreading is the process of creating and executing multiple threads of execution within a single program. Threads are independent paths of execution that can run concurrently or in parallel. You will learn how to create threads using the Thread class or the Runnable interface. You will also learn how to control threads using methods such as start(), join(), sleep(), etc.

The next chapter covers synchronization. Synchronization is the process of coordinating the access and modification of shared resources among multiple threads. Shared resources can be variables, objects, files, databases, etc. You will learn how to use synchronized keyword or blocks to prevent data corruption or inconsistency among threads. You will also learn how to use wait(), notify(), notifyAll() methods for inter-thread communication among threads.

The next chapter covers concurrency utilities. Concurrency utilities are high-level abstractions that simplify the creation and management of multithreaded programs in Java. You will learn how to use executors, futures, callables for managing thread pools and tasks. You will also learn how to use locks, conditions, semaphores for controlling access to shared resources among threads.

The Stream API

The fifth part of the book covers the Stream API. The Stream API is a set of classes and interfaces that provide stream operations for processing collections of data in Java. Stream operations include intermediate operations such as filter(), map(), sort(), etc. that transform streams and terminal operations such as forEach(), reduce(), collect(), etc. that consume streams.

The first chapter of this part covers stream fundamentals. Streams are sequences of elements that can be processed in a declarative and functional way. You will learn how to create streams from various sources such as collections or arrays. You will also learn how to use intermediate operations such as filter(), map(), sort(), etc. to transform streams according to some criteria or function. You will then learn how to use terminal operations such as forEach(), reduce(), collect(), etc. to consume streams and produce a result or a side-effect.

The next chapter covers stream operations. You will learn how to use stateful operations such as distinct(), limit(), skip(), etc. to modify streams according to some state or condition. You will also learn how to use parallel streams and spliterators to improve performance by processing streams in parallel using multiple threads. You will then learn how to use optional, primitive, and custom streams for different scenarios such as handling null values, working with primitive types, or creating your own stream sources or operations.

The next chapter covers stream applications. You will learn how to use streams for data processing and analysis such as finding the average, sum, min, max, count, etc. of a collection of data or grouping, partitioning, joining, etc. a collection of data according to some criteria or function. You will also learn how to use streams for file I/O and networking such as reading and writing files or sockets using streams. You will then learn how to use streams for GUI programming and animation such as creating and updating GUI components or animating shapes using streams.


The sixth part of the book covers JavaBeans. JavaBeans are reusable software components that can be manipulated visually by a builder tool in Java. JavaBeans have properties, JavaBeans

The sixth part of the book covers JavaBeans. JavaBeans are reusable software components that can be manipulated visually by a builder tool in Java. JavaBeans have properties, methods, and events that define their features and behavior. JavaBeans follow some design patterns and conventions that make them easy to use and integrate with other components.

The first chapter of this part covers JavaBeans basics. You will learn what JavaBeans are and how to create them. You will also learn what are the properties, methods, and events of a JavaBean and how to access and modify them. You will then learn what are the design patterns and conventions for a JavaBean such as naming conventions, default constructor, serializability, etc.

The next chapter covers JavaBeans components. You will learn how to use the BeanInfo interface and the Introspector class to provide information about a JavaBean such as its name, description, icon, etc. You will also learn how to use the PropertyDescriptor, MethodDescriptor, and EventSetDescriptor classes to describe a JavaBean's features such as its properties, methods, and events. You will then learn how to use the PropertyEditor and PropertyEditorSupport classes to customize a JavaBean's property editing such as providing a custom GUI or validating the input.

The next chapter covers JavaBeans persistence. You will learn how to use the XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder classes to save and restore a JavaBean's state in XML format. You will also learn how to use the ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream classes to save and restore a JavaBean's state in binary format. You will then learn how to use the Externalizable interface and the writeExternal() and readExternal() methods to customize a JavaBean's serialization such as encrypting or compressing the data.


The seventh and final part of the book covers servlets. Servlets are Java classes that run on a web server and handle HTTP requests and responses from web clients such as browsers or applications. Servlets can generate dynamic web pages, process user input, access databases, etc.

The first chapter of this part covers servlet basics. You will learn what servlets are and how they work. You will also learn how to create a servlet using the HttpServlet class or the GenericServlet class. You will then learn how to handle HTTP requests and responses using the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse interfaces.

The next chapter covers servlet lifecycle. You will learn how the servlet container manages the servlet lifecycle such as loading, initializing, servicing, and destroying servlets. You will also learn how to use the init(), service(), and destroy() methods of a servlet. You will then learn how to use the ServletConfig and ServletContext interfaces to access initialization parameters and context information of a servlet.

The next chapter covers servlet applications. You will learn how to use cookies, sessions, and URL rewriting for maintaining state information across requests from a web client. You will also learn how to use filters, listeners, and annotations for enhancing servlet functionality such as logging, authentication, compression, etc. You will then learn how to use JSP (JavaServer Pages), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), and JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) for creating dynamic web pages, Servlets

The seventh and final part of the book covers servlets. Servlets are Java classes that run on a web server and handle HTTP requests and responses from web clients such as browsers or applications. Servlets can generate dynamic web


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